Accountant working at desk

The Accountant’s Guide to SEO

As an accountant, you probably already know how much business your website and online presence can generate for your firm. From independent tax preparers to large-scale accounting firms, everyone in your business can benefit from being active online. If you’re not growing your business through online searches and high-ranking Google search results, it could be […]


5 Things to Know Before You Outsource Writing Services

Some people are great at being able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. Others … not so much. Over and over again, we see incredible minds in technology, business, branding, and sales fail to recognize one problem: They suck at writing. Every business can benefit from outsourcing their content writing because professional content writers […]

Aerial view of highway traffic

A Comprehensive Intro to SEO

The term “search engine optimization” gets thrown around a lot in conversations about digital marketing. But many people still don’t understand what it means or why it’s so valuable. So let us break it down (and answer some other common questions about SEO while we’re at it).

Lawyers consulting with an SEO specialist

SEO for Lawyers: How to Grow Your Practice With Content Marketing

For decades, attorneys have relied on word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals to get new clients. But you can’t rely on client referrals alone. You also need a legal marketing strategy, and it should include an SEO-centric content marketing plan. Not sure if or how digital marketing can benefit your law firm? Here’s a look at how […]

Speeding subway train

Link Velocity: Can You Build Links Too Fast?

Link building is one of the many strategies that SEO experts and digital marketing firms use to improve a website’s search rankings. Why? Because it’s one of the best ways to get backlinks. Backlinks help to improve your search rankings, establish you as a thought leader in your industry, increase organic traffic, and lead to […]

should i invest seo

Should I Invest In SEO? Yes — Here’s How And What To Expect

How do new clients find you? Before the internet, they’d use word of mouth, a phone book, or an encyclopedia if they needed a product, service, or just a simple answer. Nowadays, they “Google it.” When that happens, SEO is there to make sure your website appears at the top of the page. But can […]

Benefits of content marketing

13 Unique Benefits of Content Marketing

It seems like advertisements are everywhere nowadays. Whether blocking us from watching a YouTube video or masquerading as blog articles with titles like “The 11 Secrets to Be Better at X [#4 Will BLOW Your Mind]”, advertisements are becoming harder and harder to run away from.

How blogging drives sales

The Purpose of a Blog: How Blogging Drives Sales

We tell businesses every day that blogging is going to be the best way to scale their business. But why should they listen to us? Sure, we practice what we preach – blogging is the central focus of Inter’s own digital marketing efforts. But why should you trust us? Case studies and customer reviews aside, blogging is the fastest […]

Professionals using keyword monitoring tools

Our In-Depth Guide to SEO Keyword Monitoring

Keywords are a very important part of search engine optimization. Building your SEO strategy around specific keywords is one way to make sure your site appears in relevant searches. And if you’re targeting certain search terms with your strategy, it’s crucial to track your position in search engine results pages (SERPs) so that you always […]

Scrabble pieces standing on the edge of a table that spell out the acronym "SEO"

Which SEO Benchmark Metrics Should You Track?

Search engine optimization is great because you can measure every aspect of it. However, the abundance of data can leave you wondering what’s actually important. Which SEO benchmark metrics do you need to pay attention to? Keep reading for answers.