Content development process

Our Proven 7-Step Content Development Process

Although the content marketing landscape is changing, one thing remains the same: Your audience wants authenticity and information they can trust. It’s our job as content marketers to provide that. Good content can help you show off your expertise, build awareness around your brand, and generate more leads so you can grow your business. This […]

content marketing vs seo

Content Marketing vs. SEO (and Why They Work Best Together)

Deciding how to spend your marketing budget is difficult, especially during a recession. Content marketing and SEO are the best options for many businesses, but some people don’t actually know the difference, making it hard to choose. The truth is that you might not need to choose. There’s a big overlap between these digital marketing […]

SEO principles, as shown through a road trip

SEO Principles, As Explained Through Road Trips

You can do hundreds of things to bring in more customers through search engine optimization. Link building, Title tag optimizations, Site speed optimization, Internal link optimizations, just to name a few. The number of considerations can overwhelm even the most experienced SEOs. I started in SEO back in 2012. Since then, I’ve taught SEO to […]

SaaS SEO content marketing

Our High-Growth SaaS SEO Framework

Today’s SaaS landscape is crowded, to say the least. In the U.S. alone, there are: 9,000+ business intelligent software providers 1,700+ CRM system providers 1,300+ speech and voice recognition software providers 1,200+ payment processing software providers 400+ HR & payroll software providers 400+ website creation software providers 300+ point-of-sale software providers 100+ tax prep software […]

Hand using sponge to clean car tail light

How to Refresh Old Blog Posts for Better Performance

✨Don’t look back; you’re not going that way.✨ It’s deep, it’s inspirational, and it’s the perfect Instagram bio for those who aspire to be EdGy. Except, if you’re running a blog, “back” is exactly where you should be going. One of the biggest mistakes we see in the content marketing industry is the unquenched “thirst” […]

Construction worker working

Construction Marketing: 7+ SEO Tips to Help You Get Leads

Old-school marketing still works very well in the construction industry. A yard sign in front of your neighbor’s house lets you know who to call if you want a home addition. A banner in front of a job site lets property developers know who to call for large-scale construction projects. But any good construction marketing […]

Person writing their first blog post

Expert Advice on How to Write Your First Blog Post

66% of people do online research before making a purchase. Chances are, your customers are looking for educational content about your industry before buying from you. So what’s the best way to show up when customers are looking for you? Blogging. Blogs are prospect magnets. They attract potential customers through organic searches, saving you money […]


5 Things to Know Before You Outsource Writing Services

Some people are great at being able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. Others … not so much. Over and over again, we see incredible minds in technology, business, branding, and sales fail to recognize one problem: They suck at writing. Every business can benefit from outsourcing their content writing because professional content writers […]