Speeding subway train

Link Velocity: Can You Build Links Too Fast?

Link building is one of the many strategies that SEO experts and digital marketing firms use to improve a website’s search rankings. Why? Because it’s one of the best ways to get backlinks. Backlinks help to improve your search rankings, establish you as a thought leader in your industry, increase organic traffic, and lead to […]

Benefits of content marketing

13 Unique Benefits of Content Marketing

It seems like advertisements are everywhere nowadays. Whether blocking us from watching a YouTube video or masquerading as blog articles with titles like “The 11 Secrets to Be Better at X [#4 Will BLOW Your Mind]”, advertisements are becoming harder and harder to run away from.

How blogging drives sales

The Purpose of a Blog: How Blogging Drives Sales

We tell businesses every day that blogging is going to be the best way to scale their business. But why should they listen to us? Sure, we practice what we preach – blogging is the central focus of Inter’s own digital marketing efforts. But why should you trust us? Case studies and customer reviews aside, blogging is the fastest […]

Affiliate marketing tools

Affiliate Marketing Tools: The 27 Tools Every Marketer Needs

Who doesn’t love the idea of working from anywhere in the world without a set work schedule? The top affiliate marketers don’t need to fantasize about this lifestyle – they have the option to live this way. Affiliate marketing is becoming more and more popular every day as people trade in the 9-5 lifestyle for […]

AI Content Marketing

AI Content Marketing: How AI Will Change Customer Acquisition

Artificial intelligence has dominated my thoughts for the past three months. I’ve read every article I can find, listened to every podcast episode, spent hours experimenting with ChatGPT, and spoken to dozens of marketers, developers, and entrepreneurs to hear their thoughts. Today, I want to talk about where AI is today and how it will […]


What Is a Backlink [And Why Do They Matter]?

You’re hearing all of these digital marketers talk about backlinks, but you’re still not sure what a “backlink” even is. What’s a backlink? And why do they even matter? Here, we’ll give you the overview of what backlinks are and why generating backlinks might be the single most effective way to boost your digital marketing […]

People calculating the ROI of SEO

What’s the ROI of SEO?

Choosing the right investments for your business can be difficult. In a world where there are so many different types of marketing to choose from, the options can seem overwhelming. Here, we delve into why SEO is the best investment that you can make in your business. We’ll give a brief overview of what SEO […]

Hiring an SEO company

9 Essential Questions for Hiring an SEO Company

Ok, so you’ve decided that your business needs to hire an SEO company to help you optimize your site for search engines. Now you find yourself stuck with one pressing question: how do I find the right SEO company? The process of vetting professional SEO firms can be difficult if you lack a strong understanding […]