How We Helped Increase Now’s Organic Traffic by 942.7% (in 1 Year)

When this alternative financing provider came to us looking for help with lead generation, we knew we could help. See what we did!

now content marketing case study

Every business wants its website to attract leads.

But not just any leads — qualified leads with a high chance of converting.

How do you know if they’re qualified?

  1. They don’t just visit your website, they take action.
  2. They sign up for your mailing list, fill out your lead gen form, and contact you to learn more about your services.

That’s why our content marketing services are the best in the industry:

Intergrowth drives high-interest traffic to your websites and helps you convert those visitors into leads, subscribers, and customers.

And our clients are very happy with the results.

Here is a client story we’re particularly proud of:


When Now came to us in early 2021, they weren’t thrilled with their website’s performance. It was seeing fewer than 850 organic visitors each month and generating fewer leads than they wanted.

But we turned that around.

For those who aren’t familiar: Now (formerly NowAccount) is an accelerated invoice payment solution designed for SMBs that work as suppliers for large corporations. They buy unpaid invoices, giving them immediate access to working capital. Their target audience is primarily minority-owned and women-owned businesses.

During the 12 months between April 1, 2021 and April 1, 2022, we increased their organic traffic by 942.71%. We also helped them increase their goal completions by 400.68% in the same period of time.

How did we do it?

By revamping their content strategy.

Content Strategy Overhaul

Our content team planned and put into action a new blogging strategy to start driving traffic to the site.

This meant doing a few things:

  1. Pinpointing topics of importance to the target audience
  2. Identifying keyword opportunities related to those topics
  3. Writing comprehensive, informative articles
  4. Optimizing our writing for search engines
  5. Promoting the new blogs

1. Pinpointing Topics of Importance to the Target Audience

The purpose of a blog is to draw your audience to your website using content that appeals to their interests.

We brainstormed topics that Now’s ideal client — minority business owners seeking cash flow — might be interested in.

Part of our research process involved talking to Now about their target client. Going a step further, we also analyzed the content on competitors’ websites.

These two strategies gave us a long list of topics we could be confident Now’s audience wanted to read about: grants, loans, general business tips, etc.

2. Identifying Keyword Opportunities Related to Those Topics

To get our content ranking in Google searches, we needed to identify the terms people type into the search bar when looking for content about the topic at hand.

We conduct keyword research to identify terms that meet two criteria:

High search volume

Or high enough to justify hours of work. The goal of writing these articles is to attract leads, so we want to target terms that people are actually searching for.

Low competition

Easier to rank for while we build site authority. Ranking for a lot of low-difficulty keywords creates a snowball effect that enables the site to start ranking for more competitive terms over time.

Related: Why Your Keyword Research Process Is Failing You

3. Writing Comprehensive Articles

Once we have a keyword strategy outlined, our writing team gets to work.

We focus on creating the best resources on the internet about our chosen topics, making sure to answer all of the questions our audience might have about that topic (including questions they didn’t even know they had).

Our main goal in writing content with higher rankability is to share information — not just to sell. While we include CTAs somewhere in every article to generate leads, the audience is more likely to share a helpful article with friends than something that reads like a sales page.

We call this type of content Awareness Content. Awareness Content drives more traffic to a website which, in turn, shows Google that said website is an authority in its space. Then, when Sales Centric Content is posted on the site, Google will likely rank that piece higher than competitors who have less site authority.

We often put these two concepts together. Read this article on Dual Purpose Content for more.

4. Optimize Our Writing for Search Engines

SEO is about more than just writing good content; you have to make sure that search engines understand what your content is about. That’s the key to making your blogs visible on search engines!

Here are some things we do to push our content up in the SERPs:

  • Edit title tags and meta descriptions to tell search engines the primary topic of each page
  • Add relevant keywords to section headings to clarify what each section is about (and to increase our chances of ranking for a Featured Snippet)
  • Link to the page from other high-performing articles on our website to let Google know that this page is equally as valuable
  • Incorporate readability optimizations to keep readers engaged and create a better reading experience

Keywords vs. TF-IDF

One thing that sets our writing process apart from other agencies is that we optimize our content using TF-IDF, or Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency.

We use software that generates a list of subjects discussed in the top-ranking articles for our target keyword. Discussing those subjects in our article makes it easier for Google to understand what the article is about.

The terms suggested are semantically related to the main keyword we are optimizing for. For instance, if we are writing an article on vegetable gardening, we would want to include information about watering or choosing soil. Those subjects are semantically related to our core subject.

We don’t use any keyword stuffing practices. Great content is built through serving the reader. Google is a champion of content that satisfies reader intent.

Providing the best article out there on a subject is how you rank and continue to rank over time.

Struggling to get buy-in from your boss to invest in content marketing? Let us convince your boss you need content marketing. Anonymously sign them up here to receive our best arguments for why they should invest in content.

5. Promote the New Blogs

Because we conducted thorough research and optimized our articles, we’re confident our articles will rank in the SERPs in the future.

Once more people start finding it in search engines, they’ll share it, link back to it, and drive it even further up in the rankings.

In the meantime, we jumpstart that process by sharing the article on social media and with bloggers who we think would be interested in it.

Our Results

Here’s what we achieved during the 12 months working for Now:

April ’21 (Before) April ’22 (After) Growth
Sessions 803 8,373 942.71%
Goal completions (“See If You Qualify” form submissions) 6 63 950%
Goal completions (Registration form submissions) 4 107 2,575%
Unbranded keyword rankings 200 4,000 1,900%

now content marketing case study

All in all, our content marketing efforts helped us to increase goal completions from organic traffic by 2,643.48% from April ’21 to April ’22.

Interested in seeing what you can do for your website? Let’s chat! Get an estimate on our content marketing services and see if we’re the right partner to help your business grow.

Have burning questions about what it looks like to work with us? Read the short answers to the most common questions clients ask before working with us here.

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How We Helped Increase Now’s Organic Traffic by 942.7% (in 1 Year)